Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.

Copyright & Legal Notice


Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC (MBE) was founded in 2016 by Matthew L Sparks and Brittany N Sparks. Matthew and Brittany Enterprises has grown with a vast portfolio of subsidiaries from entertainment, Consumer products, Archival and the Legal/Estate of Matthew L Sparks & Brittany N Sparks.

Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.


Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC features a large portfolio of subsidiaries with multi-industry operations.

Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.

The Matthew and Brittany Archive is a repository of materials owned and used by Matthew and Brittany, World of MLS Company,LLC and the subsidiaries.The archive includes papers, photographs, audio and video streaming. materials, and memorabilia, personal effects, a costume and clothing collection, and more.As a authoritative main resource for primary materials on Matthew & Brittany and their respective personas, our mission is to preserve the rich historical record to and their legacy to come.

Our current list of names with the personal and associated effects currently archived or in the process of archival.

Matthew L Sparks (BludroidXP)
Brittany N Sparks
(Briti Black
Blane Fedora
Brittany Feulner)
James H Sparks
Ruby L Sparks
World of MLS Company, LLC.

The Matthew and Brittany Archives preserves and maintains all forms of materials associated with Matthew & Brittany. Doing so helps maintain the growing legacy.
Here is a List of what we do & archive.
- Costumes
- Photos
- Video
- Audio
- Clothing
- Emails
- Messages (Text/Dm's/Chats)
- Props
- Letters
- Accessories
& More.
Why an archive?
Matthew & Brittany are online personalities for more than a decade together and as such they want to keep record of the creations and life they have made.
Also an archive serves as proof of any and all events that have occurred.

Matthew and Brittany Archives wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.