Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.
Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC (MBE) was founded in 2016 by Matthew L Sparks and Brittany N Sparks. Matthew and Brittany Enterprises has grown with a vast portfolio of subsidiaries from entertainment, Consumer products, Archival and the Legal/Estate of Matthew L Sparks & Brittany N Sparks.
Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.
Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC features a large portfolio of subsidiaries with multi-industry operations.
Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.
Copyright and Trademark Notice
The textual, photographic, video, audio, and combined audiovisual programs and products resulting from Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC and its subsidiaries (DroidGhoul Labs ,LLC) including the material contained in this website, are protected under U.S. and international laws as copyrighted works.Anyone who displays, reproduces, copies, creates derivative works, or sells our textual, photographic, video or audiovisual programs for commercial or non-commercial purposes without our permission, violates the copyright laws and is liable for copyright infringement.Likewise, Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC’s trademarks and service marks, including not only the Corporate marks and the indicia of World Of MLS®, DroidGhoul® but also the names, images, video, Live stream, audio, logo/wordmark, total image and likeness of Briti Ghoul®, Matthew L Sparks®, BludroidXP® and Brittany N Sparks® including any names and images/audio or video associated with them are protected by state, federal, and international trademark laws.Any person who uses our marks for commercial or non-commercial purposes without our permission on goods or services in such a way that it dilutes the distinctive quality of our marks or that creates the likelihood of confusion with our marks, is liable for trademark infringement.Liability for copyright or trademark infringement involves the potential for significant civil damages, including in particular cases, statutory damages, liability for up to three times actual damages, and attorneys’ fees.
Legal NoticePosted Content: Any Content posted or shared on any platform by Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC or it’s Subsidiaries World of MLS Company, LLC including Briti Black/BritiGhoul®, Matthew L Sparks® gives no ownership of rights nor any "non-exclusive, transferable, sub-licensable, royalty-free, worldwide license" for any purpose. Rather you or the platform/company is entered into a revocable use license with Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.All Images, Videos and total content is copyrighted and trademarked and also digitally fingerprinted and tracked by Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC and it’s Subsidiaries.
The Matthew and Brittany Archive is a repository of materials owned and used by Matthew and Brittany, DroidGhoul Labs ,LLC and the subsidiaries.The archive includes papers, photographs, audio and video streaming. materials, and memorabilia, personal effects, a costume and clothing collection, and more.As a authoritative main resource for primary materials on Matthew & Brittany and their respective personas, our mission is to preserve the rich historical record to and their legacy to come.
Our current list of names with the personal and associated effects currently archived or in the process of archival.
Matthew L Sparks (BludroidXP)
Brittany N Sparks
(Briti Black
Briti Ghoul
Brittany Feulner
Blane Fedora)
James H Sparks
Ruby L Sparks
DroidGhoul Labs, LLC.
World of MLS Company, LLC.
Briti Ghoul Mortuary, LLC.
Briti Black Industries, LLC.
The Matthew and Brittany Archives preserves and maintains all forms of materials associated with Matthew & Brittany. Doing so helps maintain the growing legacy.
Here is a List of what we do & archive.
- Costumes
- Photos
- Video
- Audio
- Clothing
- Emails
- Messages (Text/Dm's/Chats)
- Props
- Letters
- Accessories
& More.Why an archive?
Matthew & Brittany are online personalities for more than a decade together and as such they want to keep record of the creations and life they have made.Also an archive serves as proof of any and all events that have occurred.
(Read the archive Privacy Policy Here)
Matthew and Brittany Archives wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.
Archive Privacy Policy
Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC is committed to protecting individual privacy and securing the personal information made available to us when you visit our official sites, email or interact with us on social platforms.Data Retention
We retain all information, costumes, content (photos, videos, audio, written) along with all social media profiles, all messages (Dm's, Emails, Text Messages, etc.) which is collected and processed with the archival department.Matthew & Brittany Archives, LLC. At times the Archive department may exhibit this material to the public, but we also withhold any information that would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy if exhibited.
Matthew and Brittany Archives wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.
33 Crest Holdings, LLC is a dynamic holdings and licensing subsidiary division from Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC. focused on managing a diverse portfolio of assets across entertainment, consumer products and talent management.The key assets of 33 Crest Holdings include renowned public figures Matthew L Sparks (BludroidXP) & Brittany N Sparks( Briti Ghoul) who are leaders in their respective fields with significant cultural impact.33 Crest Holdings licensing division drives innovative consumer product creation maximizing value and growth across all consumer platforms. We specialize in influence, building connections between brands, audiences, and creatives.
33 Crest Holdings, LLC wordmark, Logo and related trademarks and indicia are TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.
Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC may revise and update this agreement at any time in its sole discretion. All changes are effective immediately when they are posted and apply to all access to and use of mattbrittany.org, worldofmls.com, realmsxp.com, worldofmls.org, matthewlsparks.org, briti.co (britighoul.com) ,Matthew L Sparks® (BludroidXP®),Brittany N Sparks® (Briti Ghoul®) social platforms or any branded or featured content, product. Your continued use of these sites and or any branded product, service after the posting of the revised agreement means that you accept and agree to the changes. You are expected to check this page frequently so you are aware of any changes, as they are binding on you.2. Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC owns and operates All content, features, functionality, and other materials of and featuring Matthew L Sparks® (BludroidXP®),Brittany N Sparks® (Briti Ghoul®) including all visual interfaces, graphics, information, text, displays, images, photos, videos, and audio, and the design, selection, and arrangement of content featuring Matthew L Sparks® (BludroidXP®),Brittany N Sparks® (Briti Ghoul®) are owned by 33 Crest Holdings, LLC. United States and international copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, and other intellectual property or proprietary rights laws protect all Matthew L Sparks® (BludroidXP®),Brittany N Sparks® (Briti Ghoul®) content, materials.3. Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC is the legal agent to operate and act on behalf of Matthew L Sparks® (BludroidXP®),Brittany N Sparks® (Briti Ghoul®) likewise any social platform, subscription platform, etc. is in contract, TOS and agreement with Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC the parent company of 33 Crest Holdings, LLC and its legal team as acting agents and proxy.4. Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC its directors, officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, content providers, and service providers will not be liable to you for any of the following:- Errors, mistakes, or inaccuracies of Materials, issues with any and all total platforms.- You hereby release Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC the parent company its directors, officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, content providers for Any issues in Any manner of using, accessing, purchasing or any security manors with third party platforms or any platforms featuring Matthew L Sparks® (BludroidXP®),Brittany N Sparks® (Briti Ghoul®) as we have no control of those platforms. You affirm and agree that you must take it up with that platform.(b2) Social Media, Digital Platforms Terms Any Social Media or Digital Platform If you use content covered by Trademark, Copyright, intellectual property rights that we have and make available in our Products, Content (for example, images, designs, videos, Logos, or sounds including Matthew L Sparks, Brittany N Sparks and characters related to ) we retain all rights to that content, You can only use our copyrights or trademarks (or any similar marks) as expressly permitted with our prior written permission. You must obtain our written permission to use in anyway our trademark content.You hereby release Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC its directors, officers, employees, agents, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, content providers, and service providers from all liability in total for any and all legal manors as laid out in this Terms.
TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.

11/13/24 | Important Announcement: Matthew & Brittany No Longer Active on Twitter (X)We wanted to inform you that as of 11/13/24, Matthew L Sparks (BludroidXP) and Brittany N Sparks (Briti Ghoul) will no longer be posting updates or actively using their Twitter (X) accounts,This decision reflects our commitment not only to protecting our legal copyright/trademark and the platform's blatant disregard to copyright law among other legal issues within the Tos.To stay connected and updated, we encourage you to follow them on their other respective platforms via matthelsparks.org and briti.coWe thank you for your support on Twitter over the years, and we look forward to continuing the conversation with you on our other channels.Thank you,
Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.
TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.

Welcome to the Office of Matthew & Brittany Sparks
Welcome to the Office of Matthew & Brittany Sparks
TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.

About The Office
Office of Matthew & Brittany, LLC. operates the day to day operations of the personal / business lives of Matthew L Sparks and Brittany N Sparks.
Including update/press announcements, travel arrangements and public event engagements.
TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.

Briefing Room
The Briefing Room for Office of Matthew & Brittany is the only authorized source for all news related to Matthew L Sparks and Brittany N Sparks (nee Feulner)
No New Updates at this time.
TM and © Matthew and Brittany Enterprises, LLC.